Waiver Terms: In consideration of being accepted for participation in Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley’s Dylan J. Hoffman Memorial Walk the undersigned (in the event that the undersigned participant is under the age of 18, the parent or guardian as an additional undersigned), hereby legally bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to hereby waive and release any and all rights and/or claims for liabilities, injuries, damages, and/or penalties of any nature whatsoever I may have against Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley and/or, McDonald’s Corporation, as a result of, or arising out of, or any manner related to, my participation in this event.
Photo/Media Release: In the interest of promoting Ronald McDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley (RMHHV) and/or informing the public concerning activities at RMHGHV, I consent to audio recordings, the taking of motion pictures, videotape recording, or photographs, as indicated above, in connection with the Dylan J. Hoffman Memorial Walk.