The total gift amount will be repeated on the same day of each subsequent period. For example, a monthly gift will automatically occur on this day next month. Manage or cancel your recurring gift by logging into your account.
Your total pledged amount is split into equal installments. Select the frequency and number of installments to make. The first installment will be processed now, and email notifications will be sent for future installments.
VIRTUAL ROUTE MARKER *Logo or advertisement sign displayed on walk route
BRONZE SPONSOR *Sponsor listed on event page *Listed as sponsor on back of t-shirt *Your items added into our "swag-bag" (minimum 100 items) *Logo or advertisement sign displayed on walk route
SILVER SPONSOR *Listed as sponsor on our event page *Social media shout-outs *Listed as sponsor on back of t-shirt *Your items added into our "swag-bag" (minimum 100 items) *Logo or advertisement sign displayed on walk route
GOLD SPONSOR *Logo displayed on event page & website *Listed as sponsor on back of t-shirt *Branding on all marketing materials *Social media shout-outs *"Proud Sponsor" yard signs or window decals for display at your business *Personalized toolkit to promote within your organization *Your banner sign displayed at the day of the event *Your items added into our "swag-bag" (minimum 100 items) *Logo or advertisement sign displayed on walk route
PLATINUM SPONSOR *Logo displayed on event page & website *Listed as sponsor on back of t-shirt *Individual recognition in Press Release highlighting your business and partnership *Video spot available on all social media channels *Prominent branding on marketing materials *Social media shout-outs *"Proud Sponsor" yard signs or window decals for display at your business *Personalized toolkit to promote within your organization *Your banner sign displayed at the day of the event *Tabling at the event *Co-branded marketing item for 'swag bag' *Logo or advertisement sign displayed on walk route
Enter an amount
See if your gift qualifies for employer gift matching programs (optional)
Enter an organization name
Enter a first name
Enter a last name
Enter a phone number
Enter a valid email address
Enter an address
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Enter a state
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Enter a from name
Enter a title
All transactions are secure and encrypted
There was a problem processing your payment. Please validate your credit card information.
Enter a cardholder name
There was a problem processing your payment. Please validate your bank account.
Enter a name
Since you've manually entered your account details, we'll deposit two small amounts into your bank within 1-2 business days, along with email instructions to finalize your payment using these deposits.
By proceeding, I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.